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Full Moon Bath Ritual

I don't know about you, but my energy has always been heightened around full moons.  I used to think I was over analyzing myself, however when I started working with crystals I became more sensitive to the energies around me, and I noticed others' were unknowingly affected by the lunar energies around moon cycles.  That's when I started researching ways to ground myself before the full moon and researched manifesting around lunar cycles.  I came across a lot of interesting...

March’s Worm Full Moon 03/28

When to See the Full Moon in March 2021

March’s full Worm Moon reaches peak illumination at 2:50 P.M. EDT on Sunday, March 28, 2021. Look for the spectacularly bright Moon as it rises above the horizon that evening! See when the Moon will be visible in your area. This year, because it is the first full Moon to occur after the spring equinox on March 20, March’s full Moon is the Paschal Full Moon. This means that its date determines the date of Easter (April 4, 2021)!...